CEO and Co-founder of Tron, Justin Sun recently held a live stream where he shared recent updates on Tron Network. According to the shared information by Sun later on his official Twitter page, the updates included not only the Network but also the entire ecosystem covering their recent developments and future plans. In addition, Sun performed the official Demonstration of DApp as well as discussed the progress of Project Atlas.
While discussing the positive progress of the Network, Sun highlighted some key figures which included:
- 399,718 total number of accounts on the network which is reportedly 20% more than that of EOS and 13 times higher than that on Ethereum.
- 440,135 peak number of single-day transaction volume, which is 49 times higher than that of Ethereum.
- 146,041 average daily transaction volume which is 29 times higher than that of Ethereum.
While updating on community governance, Sun highlighted that all the 27 super representatives are currently running smoothly. He also reported that the RSs have been already organizing several meetups in China, U.S., Russia, Vietnam and Italy in order to “facilitate a better understanding of the network for many other developers and supporters”.
Sun also summed up recent listings of TRX on top and important cryptocurrency exchange platforms worldwide highlighting the key markets and main strategic trading pairs with TRX which have been becoming available to more and more ranges of users.
At the end, Sun also talked about important ecosystem cooperation that has been made during the recent month. The summed up information states: “Tron network has cooperated with DapDap, DappReview and DAppworld to support developers in the developer community, online and offline activities, as well as marketing promotion, so as to support developers to roll out high-quality DApp content and enrich the Tron ecosystem as a joint effort”.
It was also informed that Tron will be having two more live streams every quarter in order to keep the community updated with the recent developments on the company “so that everyone can contribute to the Tron network and the Tron ecosystem in the best way possible”.