The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) recently announced about the official release of a new Enterprise Ethereum Architecture Stack that will aim on standardizing the specifications of Ethereum enterprise solutions. The key objective of the initiation is assisting organizations in developing Ethereum-based solutions.
As officially confirmed by EEA recently, the new stack will assist in streamlining the process of creating enterprise blockchain solutions by “eliminating the need to build in-house enterprise-friendly implementations or engage third-party developers to create private-permissioned Enterprise Ethereum applications”.
EEA is a non-profit corporation with the high-profile members such as Accenture, BP, Credit Suisse, and Microsoft. Fortune 500 companies, academics, developers, startups and technology vendors have come into the consortium of EEA in March 2017, to focus on developing open-source standards for the field.
EEA Executive Director, Ron Resnick stated the key goals of the initiative out in the official press release. According to Resnick, EEA works towards delivering a world-class standards-based specification for Enterprise Ethereum solutions. This will be followed by a TestNet and certification program. In addition the standards-based approach of the organization will enable the enterprises to deliver an excellent and improved customer experience and create innovative solutions.
As announced, the new architecture stack by EEA consists of five tiers. The base of the stack is a peer-to-peer protocol layer which is followed by a core of blockchain layer on top. This layer manages transactions, consensus, and on & off chain data storage. The middle layer is comprised of privacy and scaling elements. The fourth layer is focused on oracle interactions, wallets and key management. And the final application layer is geared toward dApps and smart contract tools.
According to the experts, the release of the Enterprise Ethereum Architecture Stack is an important step forward for the alliance. The initiation can potentially function as the first element in developing interoperability-focused set of standards. This, as believed, will dramatically accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology in the enterprise space.