
XRP is the Best Performer of the Market Today

In the end, traders who have never believed the possible burst of a Ripple bubble and have instead maintained their long positions on the XRP listing have won. The conviction of these investors has denied all those who for days had been talking about an unstoppable collapse of Ripple and all the other cryptocurrencies.

Analysts who, referring to the sharp decline of all cryptocurrencies, had instead talked about the normal situation in light of the high volatility that characterizes cryptocurrencies, they were right. Precisely the volatility has allowed many investors today to obtain very substantial profits and able to limit the losses of these days.

On the day of the general recovery of cryptocurrencies (it is not to be excluded that, given today’s rise, we now return to talk about cryptomania), Ripple has managed to get back in evidence just like in the weeks of the rally. The XRP listing today is well above 1 dollar.

According to data transmitted in real time by CoinMarketCap, the price of Ripple today recorded a positive change of 49% to $ 1.57. If you consider that the change in the BTC price is 15%, you can get an idea of ​​the strong recovery that XRP registers. In the ranking of the best cryptocurrencies of today (real time data), Ripple excels and detaches all other virtual values. In the second place of this ranking there are neither the best known Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin but rather the less known Stellar Lumens (+ 34%). The day of the recovery of the cryptocurrencies therefore says this: Ripple and Stellar Lumens have an extra gear. But why the two crypto are able to recover better than all the other rivals?

The explanation could be in the drop that Ripple and Stellar have scored until yesterday. Ripple, in fact, was one of the worst cryptocurrencies and therefore today’s recovery could be considered almost physiological in the light of what happened in recent days. The speech of social recognition has a positive impact on the XRP listing today.

Even in a context that is characterized by increasing tensions on all cryptocurrencies due to the possible decision by China and South Korea to establish a ban on centralized trading and the news of insider trading , Ripple is the one that retains more appeal to banks and financial institutions. In consideration of the general context in witch Ripple is included, it is not to be excluded that XRP can still hit its highest price.

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